Forensic Data Collections
The Key to unlocking hidden evidence.
Keystone can rapidly and cost-effectively convert electronically stored information into a reviewable format, without jeopardizing chain-of-custody or risking spoliation. We work with your team to establish a review process to expeditiously classify key evidence. We can also use data forensics to gather evidence from a host of devices that utilize hard drives and flash storage, even if it seems to have been deleted or otherwise masked. All data is gathered in a manner that maintains chain of custody so it’s admissible in court. Forensics can be used to collect information from social media applications like Facebook and the cloud.
Working closely with some of America’s leading forensic providers, Keystone offers a host of data forensics services to empower you to collect and analyze electronically stored information. We work closely with your litigation team to build a comprehensive collection strategy, focused on essential data to control costs. Our team of forensic examiners aid clients in answering the “What, When and How” relating to activity on electronic storage devices and accounts. We:
Collect -- Forensically collect data from a vast array of sources, including local computers, email systems, networks, cell phones, external storage devices, social media and many others. Onsite, remote (working with internal IT team) and Data Collection Kit available.
Analyze -- Perform analysis to search for critical information. This includes finding efforts to misappropriate, hide and delete data.
Evaluate -- Perform a review of opposing expert’s reports. Aid clients during depositions and cross-examinations of opposing experts.
Testify -- Qualified expert witnesses will testify about their findings and communicate highly technical concepts in a clear and concise manner.
Our methods and tools are defensible and easily validated in court. We can integrate any data forensics findings with your other e-discovery to insure an efficient workflow.
Our data forensics services include:
Audio/Video Searching
Automobile Forensics
Backup Tape Analysis
Cell Phone and Mobile Device Forensics
Cloud and Social Media Forensics
Data Collection & Analysis
Data Recovery
Detailed Reports
eMail and Social Media Forensics
Expert Testimony & Reports
Forensic Imaging
Forensic Neutral Services
Local and Network Forensics
Network Forensics
Rapid Response Teams
Remote Collections
Targeted Collections
Unlock the possibilities - with Keystone.